Insidious Cash shop


Insdious Online Server Rules: In Game Rules: 1) Players must not engage in any behaviours that are related to 'cheating'. This includes the following: - Trying to duplicate items in your inventory to create items that you are not entitled to; - Porting into maps that have specific requirements, and bypassing them through illegitimate measures; - Encouraging the use of 'DDoSing' or 'binning' players to manipulate gameplay of the server. If a player has been caught 'cheating' in any way, then their actions will be investigated and depending on the circumstances, they can be kicked or permanently banned from accessing Insidious again. 2) Players must not intimidate other players whilst being online. This includes: - Shouting verbal abuse at others, including racist/sexist/homophobic language; - Wishing physical or psychological harm onto other people; - Deliberately preventing entry and/or exit from an area by killing them before they can reach it. If a player has been caught behaving in this manner, then they could be kicked or banned from the server, depending on the severity of the circumstances. 3) Players are not allowed to advertise other servers, or tools to encourage cheating and exploiting glitches. If they are caught advertising, then they will be immediately kicked and/or banned from logging into the server again. 4) Players should not ask Staff Members to perform certain tasks for them. This includes: - Getting free items from an In-Game merchant such as scrolls or potions; - Spawning mobs in order to get access to free gear/weapons/other items that relate to raids/instances; - To be ported or summoned to a particular location through the use of admin power; - To use staff to settle personal or guild vendettas. *Please note that asking for an Endure/Immune buff is allowed and can be performed by Staff. However, it is ultimately up to their discretion in terms of whether they will fulfill that request. 5) Players need to remember that the Insidious Staff Team are working as hard as they can to help continually improve the gaming experience, and we like to take input from players so that players can enjoy the server even more. But players need to appreciate the fact that we can only work so fast and get things ordered in a timely fashion. We will take constructive feedback and advice, however offensive or downright mean comments about the content will be ignored and dismissed. In relation to the above rules, players are encouraged to report any suspicious activity and behaviours of other players. If they believe that a genuine wrong has been committed, then we ask that proof MUST be provided to at least one of the Staff Team in order to back up the claim. We cannot and will not take action against something where it cannot be proven. Discord Rules: 1) Members of the Server Discord are not allowed to spam messages. Regardless of whether it's grabbing someone's attention, or part of an inside joke, spamming is not permitted. If a member does create spam for the first time, then they will asked politely to stop; If they spam in the chat for the second time, then they will be muted for a short time; If they spam for a third time, then they will be kicked from the chat. If they still refuse to listen and continue to spam, then they will be banned from the chat. If they return to the chat and still break this rule after being banned, then they will be permanently banned from the Discord, preventing further access and preventing them from breaking any more rules. 2) The Insidious Staff Team does not permit players to post images (pictures and emojis includes) of fellow players WITHOUT their consent. This also relates to sending out personal information of any type (or 'doxxing' somebody). This covers whether they did not ask prior permission to use it, or they continually post the image regardless of the owner's wishes. If a member posts an image that breaks ANY of the above rules, then the picture and the comment attached will be removed from the chat, and they will be warned not to do it again. If they insist on posting these images for a second time, the images and comments attached will be removed, and the member will be kicked from the chat as a final warning. If they post these images for a third time, the images and comments attched will be removed, and the member will be banned from the chat. If they still continue to ignore the rules regarding this subject, then like the above rule, the member will be permanently banned from the Discord, preventing further access. 3) Members are not allowed to use excessive swearing, racist and/or sexist language or demonstrating genuine discrimination towards disabilities (regardless of whether they are physical or psychological). Excessive swearing refers to the use of bad language to such a degree that it becomes unacceptable and unnecessary (for example, if there is swearing in every sentence for at least 3 posts, then that classifies as excessive). Racist language refers to any kind of derogatory comment that belittles or is specifically designed to be offensive towards people of a certain race. This covers ALL avenues of racism (such as using offensive langauge towards white/black/asian/hispanic etc.) or insulting someone's religious background (such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.). Sexist language refers to any kind of hateful comment that is designed to be offensive and objectify either men or women. If members are caught deliberately disrespecting somebody by their race, sex or disability, then we show no tolerance for that sort of behaviour, and they will be immediately kicked from the chat. If they reappear in the chat demonstrating the same attitudes, then they will be automatically and permanently banned from using the Server Discord.